Roxette repbilder/rehearsals 2025
Rep bilder - Roxette
Lena Philipsson bubbel: Sparkling PH Style, Brut Rosé by Lena Philipsson
Mitt nya rosébubbel går i kärlekens färg rosa och finns äntligen att beställa till din Systembolagsbutik för 99 kronor. Vill man få det levererat innan den 14:e februari då börjar det bli dags att göra sin beställning.
Jag är så glad för alla fina recensioner som bubblet fått:
⭐ Lysande val! jan-25
⭐ Fynd! jan-25
⭐ Mycket bra bubbel! jan-25
⭐ ”Snyggt producerat rosa bubbel med brödiga inslag.”
@vinliv jan-25
Sparkling PH Style Brut Rosé
nr 75521 | 99 kr | 750 ml | Alk. 11,5%
”Min tumregel är ett glas i timmen” – Lena Ph släpper rosébubbel
Efter Cava PH Style-succén kommer nu Lena Philipsson med ett rosa mousserande vin i samarbete med vinhuset Perelada. Sparkling PH Style Brut Rosé har en frisk smak med toner av hallon, smultron, jordgubbar och rosor.
Bubblet släpps lagom till Mello startar, är det tanken?
– Faktiskt inte. Det är en komplicerad story om olika ”slottar”, så kallade fönster då Systemet plockar in nyheter, så det passade bra nu.... Läs mer HÄR
Ursprung Spanien
Sortiment Beställningssortiment
Druvor Garnacha 60%, Bobal 20%, Tempranillo 20%
Vinmakare Delfí Sanahuja efter provningar och inspel från Lena Philipsson
Alk. halt 11.5% Totalsyra 3,4 g/l Restsocker 8,3 g/l
Information Efter den fantastiska succén med sin Cava PH Style, bland annat hyllad som det bästa kändisvinet av Aftonbladet, återvänder Lena Philipsson med ett rosaskimrande mousserande rosévin redo att förföra smaklökarna inför Melodifestivalen. Sparkling PH Style Brut Rosé är ett friskt och fruktig mousserande vin skapat i samarbete mellan artisten Lena Philipsson och
vinslottet Perelada. Druvorna kommer från vingårdar utanför Barcelona i Katalonien och är en blend av de tre spanska druvorna garnacha, tempranillo och den något mer okända bobal.
Jordmån Lera och kalksten
Karaktär Vinet har en fin ljusrosa färg med en härligt frisk och bärig smak med toner av hallon, smultron, jordgubbar och rosor. Det har små fina bubblor och en frisk och kittlande syra i eftersmaken.
Vinifiering Vinet har jäst en andra gång enligt charmatmetoden och varit på jäst i cirka fem månader.
Passar till allt från eleganta mingel och härliga middagar till en lyxig stund för dig själv. Servera det som aperitif, tillsammans med fredagschipsen med löjromsdipp, ostar och chark eller njut av det tillsammans med skaldjur, fisk eller en härlig sallad. KÄLLA
Beställ på Systembolaget
Nytt bubbel från Lena PH! Sparkling PH Style Brut Rosé by Lena Philipsson
Sparkling PH Style
Brut Rosé by Lena Philipsson
Äntligen är den här!
Sparkling PH Style Brut Rosé
En ljusrosa uppföljare till Lena PHs succécava
Efter den fantastiska succén med sin Cava PH Style, bland annat hyllad som det bästa kändisvinet av Aftonbladet, återvänder Lena Philipsson med ett rosaskimrande mousserande vin redo att förföra smaklökarna inför Melodifestivalen. Sparkling PH Style Brut Rosé har en fin ljusrosa färg med en härligt frisk och bärig smak med toner av hallon, smultron, jordgubbar och rosor.
Lena PH fortsätter sitt samarbete med det världsberömda vinhuset Perelada med sitt vinslott strax norr om Barcelona i Spanien. Nu är det världspremiär för hennes exklusiva mousserande rosévin – en perfekt mix av elegans, fantastisk smak och glamour.
✨ Ett mousserande rosévin i Lena PHs smak
Med härliga bubblor och friska toner av hallon, smultron, jordgubbar och en hint av rosor bjuder Sparkling PH Style Brut Rosé på en uppfriskande och välbalanserad smakupplevelse.
✨ Perfekt för alla tillfällen
Det här vinet är det ultimata valet – från eleganta mingel och härliga middagar till en lyxig stund för dig själv. Servera det som aperitif, tillsammans med fredagschipsen med löjromsdipp, ostar och chark eller njut av det tillsammans med skaldjur, fisk eller en härlig sallad.
✨ Kvalitet
Likt Prosecco har vinet har fått sina bubblor genom en andra jäsning där koldioxiden som skapas under jäsningen istället binds i vinet till dess att korken poppas.
✨ En flaska att minnas
Med en design som speglar Lena Philipssons sofistikerade stil är flaskan lika iögonfallande som innehållet. Ett mousserande vin som förgyller alla bord och tillfällen.
Sparkling PH Style Brut Rosé
nr 75521 | 750 ml | Alk. 11,5%
Se här om vinet finns i din butik
Sagt om vinet:
FYND! ”För under hundralappen får du lyxiga bubblor, bäriga toner och en hint av glamour – Lena PH’s uppföljare är FYNDet som levererar.”, Januari 2025
TIPS! ”…både läskar och väcker festhumöret”
BG Kronstam, vinbö januari 2025
Lena Philipsson talks Per Gessle, success, hopes & fears of post Marie Fredriksson Roxette 2025 tour
Lena Philipsson talks Per Gessle, success, hopes & fears of post Marie Fredriksson Roxette 2025 tour
Lena PH medverkar i SVTs Jul - Allsång på skansen
För första gången i Skansens historia bjuds gäster in till en vintrig upplaga av Allsång på Skansen. Tisdag den 3 december 2024 kläs Sollidenscenen i julens tecken. Tillsammans med Pernilla Wahlgren och orkestern, i ledning av kapellmästaren Stefan Brunzell, ges tillfälle att sjunga in julen med en rad älskade artister. Programmet spelas in under kvällen och kommer att sändas i SVT den 23 december, dagen före julafton.
”Jag längtar efter att tillsammans med tittarna och publiken på Skansen få skapa en ny tradition och tillsammans göra detta till världens mysigaste kväll fylld av glädje, frid och julstämning deluxe” säger programledaren Pernilla Wahlgren.
Under dagen hålls ett genrep klockan 14.30, följt av en liveinspelning klockan 18.00. Precis som under somrarnas Allsång på Skansen genomförs vinterupplagan utomhus på Sollidenscenen, där gäster får chansen att uppleva julens stämning i en unik allsångsmiljö under bar himmel.
"Vi är så glada för urpremiären av Jul – Allsång på Skansen! All publik som njutit av Tolvslaget på Skansen vet vilken magisk upplevelse Sollidenscenen är på vintern. Att i mörkaste december få hitta tillbaka till glädjen, värmen och gemenskapen som Allsång på Skansen skapar är helt fantastiskt och välbehövligt. Långkalsongerna på bara, så ses vi!" säger Matilda Klein, evenemangschef på Skansen.
Praktisk information
Allsång på Skansen 3 december sker utomhus, och gäster rekommenderas att klä sig varmt och ta med något att sitta på för en bekväm upplevelse. Varm dryck och tilltugg finns till försäljning inom scenområdet.
Medverkande artister är Marcus & Martinus, Mapei, Laleh, Lena Philipsson, Hasse Andersson, Timo Räisänen och gospelkören Alive Gospel.
Aftonbladet; Lena PH: Svårt att hångla inför ”främmande personer”
Lena Philipsson: Svårt att gråta och hångla
Gör sin första huvudroll i Viaplays ”På gatan där jag bor”: ”Min målbild var Meryl Streep”
Dramakomediserien har sitt ursprung i en populär låt från albumet ”Det gör ont en stund på natten men inget på dan” (2004), där Orup skrev alla låtarna.
– Han som skrev manus, Mikael Newihl, snickrade på sin sommarstuga när spelaren med musik hakade upp sig och körde min låt på repeat. Då började han fundera på en serie om livet i ett villaområde i en liten stad och om jag skulle vara intresserad av att göra den. Han hade sett mig på scen, trodde jag skulle klara det och bokade ett möte, innan manus ens var skrivet, säger Lena.
– Jag hade känt mig nyfiken på att testa skådespeleri i ett drama, som inte grundade sig i en sketch eller komedi.
Spelar tvåbarnsmamma – och änka
Nu är serien här. Sex avsnitt regisserade av Lena Koppel. I centrum står Nina, tvåbarnsmamma som varit änka i några år. Grannarna spelas av bland annat Claudia Galli Concha, Leif Andrée, Kajsa Ernst, Tom Ljungman, Tina Pour Davoy, Joel Spira och Maria Alm Norell.
”Motorn” i historien är hur Lenas rollfigur Nina beter sig när hon börjar dejta en snickare, spelad av Illka Villi.
– Nina är en vanlig medelålders kvinna som umgås mycket med grannarna. De har loppisar och kräftskivor ihop. När hon börjar dejta en kille vågar hon inte berätta för dem, hon är rädd för att göra dem ledsna, de har hjälpt henne med så mycket.
”Frustrerande att spela en så mumlande person”
Känner du igen dig själv i henne?
– Nej, det gör jag inte. Även om jag absolut är en ganska lågmäld person, är det snarare lite frustrerande att spela en så mumlande person.
Lena erkänner att hon var ”jättenervös” första inspelningsdagen, trots att det ”bara” var en scen där hon och Claudia Galli Concha, som spelar hennes bästa väninna, skulle gå längs en gata. Men sedan kände hon att hennes många år på scenen också är en form av skådespeleri. Och sedan har hon tyckt det varit jättespännande att smygkika på sina rutinerade medspelare. Hur de förbereder sig, hur de väljer att spela vissa scener. Och ja, Meryl Streep är Lenas favoritskådespelerska.
Vad var svårast?
– Att vara ledsen och gråta eller hångla med pojkvännen i serien, det har jag inte gjort tidigare. Att då släppa skammen.
Svårt att hångla inför ”främmande personer”
Men du har väl hånglat på riktigt och vet hur man gör?
– Har du gjort det? Kameran går, någon säger ”var så god att börja”, inför främmande personer, det är inte helt enkelt.
Drar på världsturné med Roxette
Närmaste utmaningen nu när serien är klar är att axla Marie Fredrikssons roll i Roxette, när Per Gessle, hon och musikerna drar på världsturné i Sydafrika och Australien med alla de klassiska låtarna i februari och mars.
– Det är skitkul att jobba med Per. Men det är ett stort förtroende och ansvar att kunna prestera låtarna tillräckligt bra, jag kommer vara nervös på premiären.
För över ett år sedan sjöng hon och Per in ”Sällskapssjuk” till hans duettalbum som kom nyligen.
– Jag vet inte om det var en slags check från hans sida, några dagar senare ville han ha ett möte och ställde då frågan om Roxette. Vi har gått genom tonarter, valt låtar och sådant, efter nyår ska vi repetera med bandet. Jag repar för mig själv hemma nu, låtarna droppar in en droppe i taget i ryggmärgen.
Lena Philipsson om…
… varför Ebba Forsberg sjunger titelmelodin i tv-serien:
– Skulle det inte bli för mycket om jag sjunger den också? Det räcker med att jag skådespelar. Varför det blev just Ebba vet jag inte, men hon gör det jätttebra.
… favoritlåtar med Roxette:
– Bland dem jag ska sjunga själv är just nu ”Sleeping in my car” favoriten, skön och befriande rockig. Från förr i tiden, när jag bara lyssnade på dem, var ”Soul deep” en låt jag tyckte mycket om.
Trailer för "På gatan där jag bor" med Lena Philipsson
På gatan där jag bor” är inte bara en Lena Philipsson-låt (skriven av Orup), det är också titeln på en ny dramaserie på Viaplay. Lena Philipsson spelar huvudrollen som Nina, änka sedan några år som inleder en ny relation som skakar om i grannskapet.
Manusförfattaren Mikael Newihl hade just Philipsson i åtanke redan på idéstadiet. Hon, som tidigare synts i mindre roller i exempelvis SVT:s julkalender ”Storm på lugna gatan”, kände sig redo att tacka ja till en ny utmaning.
– Det kändes spännande att se hur jag skulle tackla en mer seriös roll. Det här var helt utanför min box och jag ville kasta mig ut och våga testa, säger hon.
I serien spelar Philipsson mot bland andra Leif Andrée och Kajsa Ernst, och inför inspelningen var hon nervös för vad kollegorna skulle tycka.
– Jag undrade ju vad de skulle tycka om att jag var där överhuvudtaget. jag ville ju prestera och inte vara dålig. Men det var otroligt spännande och lärorikt att se hur de professionella skådespelarna förberedde sig och attackerade olika känslor, säger hon.
Seriens huvudperson har sedan maken dog tagit emot mycket hjälp från grannarna för att få livet att gå ihop. Just den sidan känner Lena Philipsson inte igen sig i.
– Jag tycker om att klara mig själv och hade nog kämpat på ganska bra ensam. Nina har också svårt att säga som det är, jag är mer rättfram. Men precis som hon vill jag inte göra någon annan ledsen, säger hon.
”På gatan där jag bor” har premiär den 17 november, och Philipsson är spänd på hur publiken ska ta emot serien, och hoppas att den ska beröra.
– Den innehåller ju såväl mörker som relationer och känslor, som många nog kan känna igen sig i. Men det är klart att jag är pirrig, även om jag är van vid att bli betraktad, under olika framträdanden, även av folk som kanske inte älskar mig, säger hon.
Blir det mer skådespeleri i framtiden?
– Kommer det något spännande till mig så måste jag ju överväga det. Jag är inte den som säger ”aldrig i livet”.
Härnäst, efter årsskiftet, väntar turné tillsammans med Per Gessle som ena halvan av Roxette.
– Det är ett väldigt speciellt äventyr som har landat i mitt knä. Att ta över efter en så älskad person som Marie Fredriksson är ingen enkel uppgift, det är ett stort ansvar som jag tar mig an med respekt, och jag är smickrad och stolt över förtroendet.
Radio: Snack med Lena PH i P3 Morgonpasset
Interjuv i SVT Filmtoppen Moviezine Nöjeslivet
Per Gessle & Lena Philipsson om Roxettes världsturné 2025 i Efter fem
Roxette med Lena PH till Göteborg och Halmstad 2025
Den nya upplagan av Roxette inleder sin världsturné i Kapstaden i Sydafrika den 25 februari 2025 och fortsätter sedan med åtta konserter i Australien i mars.
Till sommaren flyttar turnén över till Europa med bland annat två konserten på hemmaplan i Sverige. Den 25 juli spelar Roxette i Trädgårdsföreningen i Göteborg och den 26 juli på Brottet i Halmstad.
”2025 blir ett stort Roxette-år! Att få spela på hemmaplan, på västkusten i Sverige, känns såklart extra fantastiskt. Lena och jag och hela gänget kommer att vara på topp”, säger Per Gessle i ett pressutskick.
Per Gessle: ”Det var inget lätt beslut”
”De senaste åren har jag funderat på om jag överhuvudtaget ska göra någonting med Roxette. Jag har tänkt på hur jag ska förvalta arvet och Roxettes låtkatalog på bästa sätt live. Det fanns två vägar, att inte göra det alls eller att försöka hitta ett sätt som passar så bra som möjligt. Det var inget lätt beslut, sade Gessle till tidningen” och fortsatte:
”Lena har lång erfarenhet och kommer från samma tidevarv som jag – och är en fantastisk sångerska. Vi har också en historia ihop, jag var med och skrev hennes genombrottslåt ”Kärleken är evig”.
Lena Philipsson var definitivt inte beredd på att få frågan.
”Jag höll på att trilla av stolen, men jag började direkt tänka på vad fansen ska tycka om det och hur kan det bli. Jag är bra på att identifiera problemen, men det är klart jag känner mig otroligt hedrad”, sade hon till Aftonbladet.
Läs mer på GP Aftonbladet
Biljetter Australien, Sydafrika, Danmark, Tyskland live nation och Roxetteblogg
Roxetteblog - Halmstadsposten;
Per reveals to Hallandsposten that the decision to play in Halmstad was made a few months ago. "Of course, it won't be a Taylor Swift production, but the gigs here will be special, while we otherwise play at festivals. The reason is that we want to test ourselves, because we have never worked together before and then get a bit of a soft start", explains PG.
"We are very much looking forward to the tour – not least abroad, because nobody knows anything about Lena there. The audience gets to meet a fantastic singer and stage personality."
Starting in South Africa in February, Australia awaits in March and Europe in summer. "It's clear that we hope to perform in North and South America, but nothing has been booked there yet. But it's a live tour, a puzzle, where concert venues will be added", Per points out.
There won't be more venues in Sweden than Trädgårdsföreningen in Gothenburg and Brottet in Halmstad. However, it is not said how many gigs there will be in Halmstad if the first one were to sell out.
"I haven't even thought about that. But we haven't booked anything for the next day anyway...", finishes Per
Lena PH:s TV-Serie På gatan där jag bor kommer till Viaplay i November
Seriens titel anspelar på Lena Philipssons Orup-skrivna låt med samma namn, och Philipsson gör även sin första huvudroll i serien.
"Det känns otroligt spännande att serien äntligen får möta publiken. Jag är väldigt glad över att jag fått möjlighet att testa att skådespela i ett drama", säger hon i ett pressmeddelande.
"På gatan där jag bor" handlar om en grupp grannar på en idyllisk villagata i en mindre stad. I rollistan syns även bland andra Leif Andrée, Kajsa Ernst, Joel Spira och Claudia Galli Concha.
Här sjunger Lena Philipsson låten "På gatan där jag bor":
Lena Philipsson live på Victoriakonserten 2024
Lena PH och Albin Lee Meldau firar Victoria på Öland
Det blir Lena Philipsson, Molly Hammar, Albin Lee Meldau, Edda Magnasson och Olivia Lobato som underhåller publiken i Borgholm den 14 juli.
Victoriakonserten sänds i SVT och på SVT Play med start klockan 20.00. Men redan klockan 18.30 sänds ”Inför Victoriakonserten – Året med Kronprinsessan”.
RoxBlog interview with Per Gessle about Roxette tour "Lena is going to blow their minds"
Per Gessle about Lena PH: She is like the underdog here, but she is going to blow their minds, I’m sure. I have to shape up, otherwise she is going to wipe me off the stage. Haha.
PP: – We expect you to put back the whistle into “Joyride” on tour. Haha. Talking about your next step with Lena. Do you remember the exact moment when you realized that this is what I need for a future Roxette?
PG: – No, there wasn’t a moment like that. I was thinking a little bit about Lena, even before she sang on “Sällskapssjuk”. Because, to begin with, I think she is almost the same age as me. She is not as old as I am, but she is sort of my generation. She’s got so much experience. She is a great performer on stage. A great singer. She ticked all the boxes, so to speak. But it wasn’t until we worked in the studio when I realized how good she was. Then I felt like this might actually work. In theory, it was like a good idea, but I didn’t mention it to her. After we went to the studio, we had dinner and then she went home to Stockholm. I called her up later and asked if we could have a meeting when I came back to Stockholm. It was like a week later or so. I didn’t tell her anything on the phone. Then I just asked her when we met. I told her I have this idea and wondered what she thinks about it. She was like, oh. You could tell by her face she was shocked. The first thing she said was, of course, it’s impossible to replace Marie. I said, it’s not really about replacing Marie. It’s about keeping the legacy of the songs alive. The fire alive in the songs. It’s not like we are starting a new duo or starting a new band together. It’s more like keeping the songs alive. So she went home and she talked to a lot of people. She even talked to her mother.
PP: – Yeah, I read it in an interview. It’s lovely.
PG: – She was so surprised, because her mother thought this thing was so cool. Then we had another meeting and I said, OK, we’re positive, now I have to bring in Clarence and Christoffer. So Clarence and Christoffer came up to Stockholm. Clarence lives there, but Christoffer doesn’t. So we met the four of us and we sang and played Roxette songs together. To see how it felt. It just sounded amazing. Sometimes we used different keys than the originals, but you could tell that this is going to work.
PP: – Which songs did you try?
PG: – I can’t remember. The only song that Lena felt was really complicated was “Perfect Day”. But it was probably because it was in a low key. It was a complicated song because it’s really high. When you start singing other people’s songs, you have to find your own method. And I remember “Perfect Day”, for instance, when we played that song live, Marie always sang it like a plan B, so to speak, in the melody. In the studio it’s different. You have to adjust a little bit, so it works for you. I do that all the time as well. But it sounded great. I think what is really important for Lena is to make the songs her own, basically. Another thing which I think is crucial is that Lena is used to singing other people’s material. She writes her own songs as well, but lots of her hit songs in the past have been written by other people. It’s not an issue for her. Some singers only want to sing their own songs.
PP: – Yeah, but still, it’s very different for her. When I talked to her, we discussed it will be really different from what she has ever done during her life. Even if she sang other people’s lyrics, it’s now another band’s songs. It’s not like someone writes lyrics for her and she sings it.
PG: – It’s true. There is a difference. Lena doesn’t have any connection to guitar-driven music at all. She is more from the mainstream and the dance scene. But she’s got the capacity in her voice to sing songs like that. That’s also why I think she finds this stimulating, because it’s pretty different from what she’s done before. She is really open-minded when you ask her to try things out. I think it’s going to be really interesting. One thing that is crucial, I think, is that she has never really had a career outside Sweden, even though she’s been working in English. So when she is hitting the stage in South Africa or in Australia, she is going to blow people away, because she is so good. And they don’t know who she is. She is like the underdog here, but she is going to blow their minds, I’m sure. I have to shape up, otherwise she is going to wipe me off the stage. Haha.
PP: – Haha. You recorded “Sällskapssjuk” long ago, so this thing was on your mind for about a year now. How did it feel when the news exploded?
PG: – It felt amazing, because I was a little bit scared about the reactions. But everyone I talked to was really positive. Even journalists, who normally are not that positive, thought it was a really cool idea. Lena’s got a lot of respect from everyone because she is who she is. She’s been doing so many things here in Sweden, doing her own shows. She’s been doing all these festival things and this and that. I think she was looking for something else to do. This was special enough for her.
PP: – For you, it’s not a new thing to sing Roxette songs without Marie, but you never got so far as to what will happen next year. How do you see this, what will be the difference vs. your previous tours where you sang Roxette songs as well?
PG: – The big difference is that last time when I did my European tour in 2018, when Helena was singing the Roxette tracks like “Fading Like A Flower” or “Spending My Time”, we arranged the songs in a totally different way. So it didn’t really sound like the Roxette versions. That was on purpose. That was our intention. This time around, the arrangement is going to sound like Roxette. That’s why I brought Jonas Isacsson as well in the band. It’s going to sound like Roxette did on the “Joyride” tour, basically. We are going back to the original Roxette sound, but with Lena in there as well. So “Spending My Time” is going to be how “Spending My Time” sounded to begin with. I haven’t done that at all, not even with Marie, actually, because during the last five or six years we did the comeback tour, we skipped all the click tracks and all the sequences. We just played 100% live, very organic. So that was not the way Roxette was intended to begin with in the ’90s. But we are going back to the old style now, because we haven’t done that for many, many, many, many, many, many, many years.
PP: – And why South Africa and Australia? Actually, I don’t believe in accidents when it comes to Cape Town. The last Roxette show happened there and now the first one will happen there.
PG: – Yeah, someone told me, I didn’t know that. South Africa is a good place to start, because it’s in the same time zone as we are. So it’s very easy. Then Australia came up with its offers to do the tour there. So we said, let’s do it. Hopefully, we are going to do more. If it won’t be a disaster, we are going to continue. You never know.
PP: – Do we really have to wait until the shows take place? I mean, to wait with the dates for a European tour? I assume the venues have to be booked very much in advance. So I guess they are booked already.
PG: – In a perfect world, I would love to do a couple of shows before I make up my mind, but in the real world, you are right. If you’re going to do dates in Europe or in the States or wherever next year, you have to release those tickets in the fall. You’re probably right. There might be some more, but I don’t like to answer that question.
PP: – Yeah, I know, but I’m very positive. A lot of fans are asking you to come to the US, come to Argentina, come to Brazil, come to Europe. When you are in Europe, you can’t miss Sweden. It’s very nice to see it.
PG: – It’s going to be cool. I would love Roxette to be back on the arena circuit, because I would love to have a great production with visuals. We can’t bring a big production to South Africa or Australia, because we are playing lots of wineries and stuff like that. So it’s more like you’re having backdrops. But I would love to do a full production tour with Roxette. I think that would be amazing. Like we did with Gyllene Tider, with screens. You have to go to the arenas to do that. You can’t play the clubs with such screens.
PP: – Were your antennas out all the time checking what singer you could work with in Roxette? Were you doing this search during all your collaborations during the past years?
PG: – Yeah, I checked on a lot of people. I checked a lot of international singers. There are lots of suggestions from lots of people. Maybe you should call her or her, but it didn’t feel right. The good thing, like I said with Lena, is that she is a little older, she is experienced, she is Swedish and we have a history together. It’s actually almost too good to be true.
PP: – It actually is. When I was searching for news from the past and I saw your pictures and the Melodifestivalen video and stuff like that, it felt like it was something written in the books that it should happen.
PG: – Yeah, it’s weird, actually. Lena has always worked as a solo artist. So it’s a big step for her to get into the Roxette team suddenly. I don’t know her that well, but I think like two years ago, she wouldn’t have done it. She is matured and experienced. She probably feels like she has a lot to gain from doing this. It’s a challenge that she can’t do this on her own. It won’t happen at her age or my age to do these things out of the blue. I think it’s a wise move for her too.
PP: – For all of you. Can you mention a band where the original front person is not there anymore, but it works?
PG: – Well, the obvious one is Queen. But there are lots of bands. AC/DC has changed the vocalist, Journey. People come and go. I don’t have a problem with a band doing that. It’s just that for me, I don’t want to start a new band with someone. What I’m interested in is basically to keep the songs alive. That’s also one of the reasons why we are doing the musical. To keep the songs alive. And how do you do that properly? How can I help doing that? The best way to do that is to keep Roxette alive and play the songs. That can’t be done with Marie anymore, unfortunately.
PP: – A new chapter begins. Actually, I love your neverending drive. I don’t know how you always have this energy to restart or to challenge yourself and do something new all the time. That’s very inspiring.
PG: – Like I said, you think about how you could help to support this catalogue of songs. I was in the studio with Mats yesterday on another project, haha. We talked about what’s happening right now. This year is very much like a summary of what we’ve been doing all our lives. The musical is very much a summary of the Roxette success and the catalogue. The Gyllene Tider movie is an homage to when we were kids. And the tour coming up, it’s not about making a new album or promoting new music. It’s about playing old favourites that people want to hear, hopefully. You can only do these things when you have reached a certain age and you have all these hits and music lying around. I don’t really think that I’m being over-energetic about things. Haha.
PP: – I think you are. Haha. You are always very enthusiastic, but now it’s different when I see you talking about this project and also when I saw you in Australian TV interviews. You are shining brighter and brighter.
PG: – And it’s because of Lena and also because Jonas is back. I think it’s great. It’s such a long career. And on the Roxette tree of songs, there are so many songs. I would love to do a couple of them that maybe we didn’t play live ever with Marie. It’s really exciting. And I know the band is amazing. And we sell lots of tickets. That’s also good news.
PP: – That’s good news indeed. OK, so I think the European dates will come much sooner than you start playing the shows. Haha. Regarding the crowds, what do you think will attract the new generations to see you live and what will attract the old crowds to go and see you?
PG: – Obviously, the old ones will come because they like the songs and the songs mean a lot to them in their lives. New ones, I don’t know. It’s really difficult for young artists to get a catalogue like we have, like Bryan Adams has or Jeff Lynne has. It’s really hard to do that. I don’t know who is going to come, but I’m sure the majority will be a little older who experienced a lot of things through our music. We have the soundtrack to a lot of people’s lives. Gyllene Tider is a little bit different, though, because all these students every year sing “Sommartider”.
PP: – Have you heard them singing now? It’s that time of the year now.
PG: – When I’m in Stockholm, I hear them every day outside my window. I checked the Spotify page and 47 percent of everyone who is listening to Gyllene Tider is under 35. So that means that we have a future.
PP: – That’s cool! In 2018, Marie said OK for the Per Gessle’s Roxette tour. And I assume she would have said OK for this one, too. I also think that this will not only be good for the Roxette songs, but also to remember Marie. It feels like that.
PG: – Everything you do with Roxette is reminding people of Marie. It’s the same with the musical. It’s the same with Marie in the Gyllene Tider movie as well. She is so much part of the whole legacy, of course. If you think on the other side of the coin, if you don’t do anything with it, everything gets forgotten. The only thing to do is to work and to promote and to play. That’s why I’m really all the time into getting Roxette songs into movies and series or even commercials, if it’s a good commercial, because it reminds people of Marie and the songs and Roxette. I think that’s the only way to go.
PP: – I agree. I remember when in 2017 you were on your Swedish solo tour and you were singing “It Must Have Been Love”. It felt very strange, because that was already the time when we knew that we won’t hear it live from Marie anymore, because in 2016 she stopped touring. In 2018 it got better, because we already knew that it wouldn’t happen. Then after she passed away in 2019 and Pelle in 2020, and you did the acoustic gigs at Hotel Tylösand, you dedicated “Listen To Your Heart” to them. During the first shows, we were crying all the time when you played both “It Must Have Been Love” and “Listen To Your Heart”. It always got a bit better for our souls every time, but it was really heartbreaking. But remembering them, it was very much part of it all and it felt heartwarming. This time I think it will be very much different, because Lena is very different from Marie. I think it’s also very good that she is not the same style of person. I’m very excited about all this.
PG: – Yeah, the worst thing that could happen is that you look for a new singer that looks like Marie or sings like Marie. Like I said earlier, the best thing Lena can do is to bring her own personality into this team of people. That’s exactly what she is doing.
PP: – She said in the P4 Extra interview that it wasn’t an option to say no, because it could happen that she is sitting on the sofa watching TV and then she thinks that, oh shit, I could be in Australia. Haha. She is very cool.
PG: – Haha. All of us in Roxette, we’ve been touring all our lives all over the world, but she hasn’t. It’s an adventure to go to play Sydney and Melbourne and go to Tasmania. That’s really exciting and of course, you take those things for granted, but it’s an adventure for sure.
PP: – What do you think will be her strengths with foreign crowds and how do you think she will manage it? Because in Sweden, I can see that she can manage people in the audience very well.
PG: – I don’t know. I thought about that too. I wonder how it’s going to be being on stage, the two of us, because both of us are fronting the band and she is fronting my songs and I’m fronting my songs. How are we going to behave? How is the body language going to be? You have to find that out. But that’s also exciting, because it’s like starting anew again. When I did the Niklas Strömstedt show with Molly, that was the first time we played that song together on stage. It was weird, because I didn’t have a guitar and I was just looking around and realized, oh, now she is singing, now me. It can be really confusing the first few days, or at least at the rehearsals. You have to find that out.
PP: – For you, it’s always strange when you don’t have any instrument with you and you are just singing on stage.
PG: – Yeah, that’s scary.
PP: – But you two sounded very good on the show. I liked that.
PG: – That was a great band as well.
[Here he is busy with something on the floor, so I ask him if he is putting on his running shoes. Haha.]
PG: – Haha. No, I’m sitting on a chair with wheels on, and the wheel has just… [he holds up one wheel.] I have to fix it.
PP: – En händig man!
PG: – Haha, I’m the handyman.
PP: – What was Clarence’s first reaction when you told him about your idea?
PG: – First of all, Clarence was like, hmmmmm, to begin with, but then he thought about it and he was really supportive. Like I said, when we were singing, Christoffer was playing guitar, I was playing guitar, Clarence was playing piano and Lena was singing. Everyone was just like, wow, this is really cool. So he is extremely enthusiastic. Both Christoffer and Clarence are probably extremely tired of me, because they have been doing the musical. So they are just fed up with me. But I think at the end of the day, it’s different also when you are doing a musical, because it’s a big orchestra. It’s exciting.
PP: – And you are not there playing. Haha.
PG: – I’m not allowed.
PP: – Jonas Isacsson will also be in the gang this time. You played together at the Marie tribute gala for the first time after a long period and then worked together in PG Roxette as well. What were his thoughts when you asked him to join?
PG: – He was very, very positive. I think the first thing we did after many years, was the Metallica song, right? “Nothing Else Matters”. And then he did “Headphones On”. He was really into it immediately. He doesn’t do that much. He plays here and there, but he is not touring that much. So I thought maybe he doesn’t want to tour anymore.
PP: – Now there will be two on lead guitars, Jonas and Christoffer. How will it work?
PG: – It’s probably going to work a little bit like it did in 2018 when Ola was there. So sometimes Christoffer will move to lap steel or acoustic guitar. It doesn’t really make sense to have too many guitars. Or maybe they play electric guitars and I play acoustic guitar. We have to work all those things out.
PP: – How did you meet Magnus Norpan Eriksson? Can you tell a bit more about him? I only saw him working with you at corporate gigs, so I don’t really know much about him.
PG: – He was a very good friend of Pelle and he plays in a sort of similar style as Pelle. A little bit more pop-oriented than Pelle was. Norpan is actually the choice by Christoffer, Clarence and Magnus. I asked them who they wanted to play with in the band and they all wanted to play with Norpan. It works fine. He is a nice guy. I worked with so many different drummers. Andreas Dahlbäck, for instance. And Magnus Helgesson is now on the new album. Magnus is also pretty similar to how Pelle is as a drummer. Andreas Dahlbäck is not. He is like a jazz drummer, almost. Jens Jansson, he is a bit more like Micke Syd. Michael South. More like a pop drummer. But I think Norpan will be good.
PP: – He worked together with Ulf Lundelll and Lars Winnerbäck. Am I right?
PG: – I think so. I don’t know him that well. I only met him at corporate gigs. Haha. I think he is a good guy.
PP: – Magnus Börjeson got on the Roxette train in later years, but he has a secure place in the team. He is very good at stand up comedy as well. What do you think we can expect from him on this tour?
PG: – He is an amazing bass player, but he is also a great singer. And that is also something important. Clarence isn’t a good singer, Jonas isn’t a good singer. Christoffer is a great singer and Magnus is a great singer. Then we have Dea, we have Lena, and we have me. So we have five people singing. That’s also a very good thing. Magnus is a funny guy. I love playing with these people and hanging out with them. That’s really important too. I just hope that Lena melts in with the team and everyone in the crew. Everyone in the crew that we wanted on board is on board.
PP: – That’s cool. You worked a lot with Dea, she joined you first on the 2012 Roxette tour. How is it working with her?
PG: – She is great. She is very professional and she was really wonderful with Marie. Marie trusted her a lot. At the end of the tours we did with Marie, Marie forgot lyrics and stuff like that, but Dea was always helping her out. She is really wonderful to work with. She is a great singer, of course. We used her for Gyllene Tider as well. She was an obvious choice. And I think it’s great to have another girl in the band as well.
PP: – Regarding the tour name, you used Per Gessle’s Roxette in 2018, PG Roxette when you recorded new songs. Now you use simply Roxette In Concert. Why did you decide for that? And also, why did you decide not to use e.g. Roxette In Concert with Lena Philipsson?
PG: – When this idea came up, I talked to Micke, Marie’s husband about it. I would love to use only the name Roxette. Because that’s what it’s all about. It’s nothing new. It’s just old Roxette songs that we are doing. It’s to make things simple. It doesn’t really mean anything to anyone, Roxette In Concert featuring Lena Philipsson, because nobody knows who Lena Philipsson is.
PP: – Yeah, actually, that’s the difference with Queen + Adam Lambert.
PG: – If it would have been like Belinda Carlisle or… Madonna. Haha.
PP: – Haha. Better not.
PG: – I think this is efficient and straight to the point. We haven’t ever used “in concert” before, for some reason, we always used “live” or this or that, but never “in concert”. So why not?
PP: – From Mexico to Italy, from Argentina to Romania tons of online portals took over the news. How does it feel that Roxette was on the news WORLDWIDE again?
PG: – It feels great! I noticed that there was so much interest in this. I just hope that we can deliver and if we can deliver, I’m sure it will continue. Knowing myself, if it works, it’s going to get big and when it gets big, it’s going to get bigger and then it’s going to get bigger. But you never know. It can also just fall on its face. Haha.
PP: – I don’t think so. The media was very positive. I loved the extreme positivity of Australian media people. But of course, there are also some sceptical comments under the posts and it comes mainly from fans, hardcore fans. How do you deal with these sceptical comments and comments that say it’s not Roxette, because Roxette was Marie and Per? What can you tell them?
PG: – Like I said earlier, this is not about making a new Roxette or starting a new band for me. This is about playing the Roxette songs. And the only option to do that is to work with someone else who sings them. And like I said all the time, if Marie would have been alive, we would have probably been touring all the time, because the music is still very big. So at the end of the day, I think if you are complaining, if you don’t like to hear Roxette songs sung by someone else, don’t go to the concerts. But if you like the songs and you are open-minded a little bit, give it a chance. It won’t sound all the same, but that doesn’t mean that it’s going to sound bad. I think some people are really narrow-minded or conservative in a way. They want it to be the way it was all the time. And I can understand that, but that’s not how it works in reality. Like I said, the only other option is to not do anything. And that’s not a good option.
PP: – That’s not an option. Do you plan to do any gig before the tour starts in South Africa? Some gig in Europe, in Sweden, in Hotel Tylösand, in Stockholm, wherever? Haha.
PG: – I don’t think so. We haven’t talked about it. There are so many other things going on right now, the movie and musical. I’ve just put this tour on hold a little bit until at least after the summer. Whole January is a rehearsal month. So we are going to do a lot of rehearsing and choosing the right songs. I don’t think that there will be any shows at all, but I think, of course, we are going to do dress rehearsals and stuff like that.
PP: – Are you already thinking about which songs to play?
PG: – Yeah, I have a list. I think at the end of the day, we are going to do like 25, 26 songs on this show.
PP: – I would be surprised, because you usually play 21, 22 songs. But fingers crossed! Haha.
PG: – Haha. But now someone else is singing as well, so we can do more songs.
PP: – So let it be 30 then! Haha.
PG: – Haha. I think we are going to rehearse about 35 songs and then maybe we just feel immediately that this or that doesn’t work or this sounds exactly like that. I think it would be great to do some Roxette songs from the catalogue that we never played live before with Marie, because then it’s Lena’s chance to do her own thing in a different way. There are really great songs. “What’s She Like?”, for instance, “Vulnerable”, sung by me. We never really played that live.
PP: – I so hoped for it during the acoustic tour. But no, you didn’t play it.
PG: – Haha. “I’m Sorry” is a great song. “The Sweet Hello, The Sad Goodbye”, we never played that with Roxette, however, I played it on my own tour. There are a few options.
RoxBlog interview with Per Gessle "Sällskapssjuk - The album"
Parts of the interview:
P: – When you are matching your duet partners to the songs, is it clearly from the sound point of view, that they would sound good on this or you have these lyrics and maybe one would fit this partner well or the other well or how do you decide?
PG: – First of all, when you invite someone to do a duet, the first thing that people ask is, are we going to write something together? Because nowadays everyone is part of the writing process. So that was my first information to everyone that we’re talking about a song that exists already, so it has nothing to do with writing. It’s just about singing. For all of them that I asked, it wasn’t a big issue. They are great singers. I just wanted them to be comfortable in the key, so they could do their best. You don’t really know until you sit down and play and sing together. I remember sending “Beredd” to Molly and she said it’s good, but it might be a little too high. So I transposed it down a bit and it suddenly felt perfect for her. Then the same thing happened with Lena and it was just perfect for her. It’s a little high for me in the chorus, though, but I did it like that, because this is how she’s going to sound the best in the verse.
PP: – It must be challenging to work with so many different partners. What was the most difficult in the process from a songwriter’s point of view and from a producer’s point of view?
PG: – There weren’t any problems at all. The songs that I chose to be duets, I could easily see if it was going to be sung by a girl. Does this lyric work for a girl to sing? The thing is, when you do a duet, a guy and a girl singing a duet, as a listener, you always think that they are singing towards each other. If it’s two guys singing, you sing out to someone else. That’s the perception you have. In “Sällskapssjuk” it feels like Lena is singing to me and I’m singing to Lena, right? If I would have been singing with Michael South, it wouldn’t have been like that at all. It’s more like a lyrical thing, if it works. Because the lyric itself changes its meaning when the conception is that you sing towards each other. I also think that at the end of the day, it’s good that you, as a listener, can decide yourself if they are singing to each other, or to me as a listener, or they are singing to someone else. You have to decide yourself. It’s easy to overthink things like that.
PP: – You probably won’t reveal any remaining duet partners, but I am guessing that, because earlier you posted a picture with Albin Lee Meldau at Hotel Tylösand, he might be one of them. He also has a song together with Molly Hammar now.
PG: – It’s not a good or bad guess. Hahaha.
PP: – And there is a wishful thinking, which is probably not only from my side, but a lot of fans were thinking about Agnes. Your “It Must Have Been Love” duet at the Marie tribute gala was simply amazing. Your voices fit very well.
PG: – Yeah, she’s really good. There are so many amazing singers out there. It’s been really a treat for me to hear them sing up close, so to speak. I haven’t been in the studio with Lena Philipsson ever, so I never really studied her technique or how she sings. She knocked me out totally when she was singing. She’s so professional. She is listening to suggestions and she makes them into her own style. She is doing all the right things.
PP: – Regarding the singles, I’ve been wondering why the names are written like that: Per + Molly, Per + Lena. Why not Per Gessle feat. Lena Philipsson or Per Gessle feat. Molly Hammar? It’s your songs and I guess the album will run under the name Per Gessle.
PG: – It’s just that it makes it a little bit more personal. Everyone knows what our last name is anyway.
PP: – Yeah, sure. You wrote the lyrics of Lena’s breakthrough song, “Kärleken är evig” in 1986. How do you remember those times? How did you work together back then and how did your lyrics get to her?
PG: – It was actually through the guy who wrote the music, Torgny Söderberg. He was Lena’s producer. I think he was the one who found Lena to begin with. He wanted me to write the lyrics and he had this request that it had to be called “Kärleken är evig”. I thought that was a really silly title, so I suggested that it… Let me show you. [Here he is reaching out for a pen and paper and he starts drawing.] I suggested that if it’s going to be called “Kärleken är evig”… I wanted it to be called like this. Three symbols. Can you see this? [He shows the paper to the camera and I can see a heart, an equal sign and the symbol for infinity on it.]
PP: – Love. Is. Eternal.
PG: – I thought that this should be the title instead of “Kärleken är evig”. He said it’s too complicated, bla bla bla. Anyway, since I was stuck with that title, I had to follow the rules. The line [here he starts singing] “Kärleken är evig när vi är tillsammans”, it’s not written by me. It’s written by Torgny. He had to have that lyric in, because he thought that was so musical to sing. It was those two years in my life when I was really lost. I didn’t know what to do. I wrote the lyrics and then I forgot about it. But I remember having dinner with Lena. She must have been, I don’t know, 18-20. I was 27. I remember having dinner with her and Torgny and Alla Pugacheva. Do you remember Alla Pugacheva?
PP: – I do [and I look at him surprised].
PG: – She was at this dinner in Halmstad. I don’t know how. I think Torgny and that record label were signing her for Sweden. So for some reason, we were dining with Alla Pugacheva. Lena Philipsson 20 years old and Per Gessle 27 years old. Haha. Really weird.
PP: – You do have some strange moments in your life. Haha.
PG: – I wish there were pictures. Nowadays you take pictures of everything you do. But from those days you just have your memories. I can’t remember anything, I just remember which restaurant it was and I remember that Alla Pugacheva was there. I’ve seen pictures of when we were interviewed at the Eurovision Song Contest, but I can’t remember that at all. I’ve seen it on TV, so I know that it exists.
PP: – It does exist. I also checked out the video of it when I did the interview with Lena. Regarding “Sällskapssjuk”, what made you decide for Lena for this exact song? Was there anyone else on your mind for this song?
PG: – No, I thought the key was perfect for her. Like I said, it was a little bit too high for me. But on the other hand, if I stand on my toes and stretch a little bit, I can do it. It’s a little high to do live, but in the studio it works. I just felt like she’s going to do a great job on that one. And also the lyrics are her style. It just happened. It was fate.
PP: – It sounds very good and your vocals fit very well together.
PG: – Yeah, I think so. I think that goes for all the duets on this record. Every time someone else comes in, it sounds great. And then when I come in, it sounds also OK. Hahaha. My voice is so different from everyone else. But it works. It’s the same with the singles that we’ve done so far. I think it’s a win-win thing for the voices. I can sit listening to Molly and Lena all day, because they are wonderful singers.
PP: – The video you recorded for this song with Fredrik Etoall is really beautiful. There is just one thing we expected, that at the end you meet each other.
PG: – Well, we couldn’t, because we recorded on different days. Hahaha.